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Saturday, October 25, 2008

Second Grade Project - October 2008

Ailey's class is learning about celebrations. For her class project, she had to select one and make a book or poster to present her findings. Ailey selected Cinco de Mayo (that's my girl!) and wanted to make a book, which daddy naturally had to upgrade to a pop-up book. The results, due Monday, are below.

Fall school break - October 2008

We hit the road for a couple days to head north and see the turning leaves in the beautiful Korean countryside. We visited JuWang Mountain Park, a natural limestone cave nearby and had some delicious crab at the coast along the way.

As it says, this beautiful valley defies description so I will let the pictures do the talkin'.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Ailey's first 2nd grade assembly - October 2008

Makin' apple-peach pie (because we were short on apples!) with mom - Sept 2008