Ailey wrote her first letter to Santa this year and even made, decorated and addressed an envelope to mail it in.
More Ailey Art!!! Click on any image to enlarge it. Daddy makes "books" for Ailey to color in. Here are four pages from one of her recent books. Kids on scooters, house umbrellas, airplanes and princesses...
Santa Claus as a boy Flower time? Ailey says the "W" across the forehead is his hairline ( ! ) Three crowns and three bow dresses. Is the fourth girl Cinderella?
Asleep in front of the campfire at Grandma Beverly's. Gettin' naked on the beach. Hangin' on the beach with cousins Wonjae and Sungjae.
Miscellaneous pics from Sept to Nov 2005
Halloween at the International School of Busan
Partners in crime...latenight boyhunting with Young
Ailey takes a longweekend to visit Keojae island with friends (Nov '05)
With Rachel and Jenny eunni. With Rachel, Jenny, Peter and Haru opa Grandpa's agate hunting training at the beach pays off...
Ailey goes horseback riding with Grandma Jody at the beach (Sept '05)
Hi, my name is Dorothea Ailey Joie Johnson and I am a fourth grader living in Taichung, Taiwan. Welcome to my blog. My dad tries to keep this regularly updated but if he needs a kick in the pants, email him at (thats hotmail, not hatemail). Bye! Ailey